Kahoot! is an online student response system. Teachers can create review quizzes or polls and all the students can participate in the game environment. The game is projected on the SMART Board or white board, and the children use the school laptops to select their responses (Kahoot! also works with smartphones and tablets). Even better, the teacher can download the results, getting detailed information about each student's response to every question (including how fast they answered). To make the games more engaging, teachers can embed videos and pictures into the Kahoot.
Ms. Graham and Ms. Lemon (First Grade), Ms. Schisler (Third Grade), and Mr. Greenbaum at the MS have been the first teachers to use Kahoot! with their classes. Mr. Greenbaum mentioned that he involved his students in the creation of the Kahoot quiz: they submitted potential questions for the review, and their names were featured within the game.
These teachers reported that their students were responsive to the Kahoot! activities, and that it was a valuable way of getting informal assessment data in a non-stressful manner. The word is spreading, and more and more of our teachers are using this tool.
ADDENDUM: Ms. Johnson's class proves that even Kindergarteners can Kahoot! See the additional pictures below....