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Mr. Clendenning's Google Classroom:
creating differentiated assignments
Mr. Clendenning, Ms. Guridis, Ms. Chesloff, and Ms. Orozco have been our Google Classroom trailblazers!
Mr. Clendenning uses Google Classroom for his Social Studies classes. He has discovered that Classroom is an amazing tool that allows him to set-up differentiated assignments for his students. He simply creates three similar versions of a task, tailored to the needs of different class groups. Classroom allows him to do this with minimal effort. Also, by posting lesson slideshows in his Stream, he provides a useful resource that can easily be accessed by students later.
Mr. Paladino and Ms. Patino, our Math and ELA coaches, have also set up Classrooms to more easily disseminate materials to the teachers.

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